1. Developer Docs

Importing document data from URLs

Learn more about how to create a CSV mapping of website URLs to product(s)

To streamline the process of uploading documentation for your products, you can utilize a CSV file to map product(s) to any web-based URL for supported file types. This method allows for bulk uploads, ensuring your documentation is efficiently associated with the relevant products. The documents specified in the URLs will be automatically downloaded and linked to the corresponding product(s) on the alby platform.

CSV File Requirements

To ensure complete and accurate ingestion into the alby platform, all submitted CSV files must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Format: Files must be in a flat file CSV format (Excel XLSX files are not supported).
  • Encoding: All files must be UTF-8 compliant.
  • Header Row: Files must contain a header row that defines the columns.

CSV Format

The required CSV format for importing documentation consists of five columns, listed in the following order:

  1. filename : Unique name for the downloaded file.
  2. file_format : The format of the file to be downloaded. Supported file formats include
    • .html
    • .pdf
    • .txt
    • .docx
  3. product_ids : Comma-separated list of Product IDs relevant to the file.
  4. external_url : Fully qualified public URL (must start with https://) from which the file can be downloaded.
  5. file_type (Optional): Specifies the type of document. Supported file types include:
    • ingredients - Document contains ingredients details, whether it's in list form, plain text or table
    • sizing_guide - Document contains sizing details
    • warranty - Document is a warranty document for the product

Example CSV File

Below is an example of the required CSV format:

filename file_format product_ids external_url file_type
A114533_ingredients.html html A114533, A114534 https://www.example.com/ingredients/A114533_ingredients.html, ingredients


By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your product documentation is correctly uploaded and associated with the appropriate products on the alby platform.