Definitions of Key Metrics

The Analytics Dashboard features key metrics to monitor alby's performance

  1. Attributed Revenue - Total revenue generated from shoppers who interact with alby within a 48-hour window
  2. Attributed Orders - Total orders placed by any shopper that interacts with alby within 48 hours Group 44
  3. Questions Answered - The total number of questions alby has successfully answered
  4. % of Questions Clicked: # of shoppers who click on alby/ # of shoppers who see alby on a PDP
  5. % of Clicks leading to conversion: # of shoppers who convert after clicking on alby / # of shoppers who click on alby (48-hour window)
  6. Threads by conversation length: A breakdown of conversations based on # of questions asked in each session
  7. Freeform questions vs. Generative Q&A:Percentage of customers asking pre-generated questions versus typing a free form questions Group 45