Alby Guardrails Overview

Set up guardrails to influence alby's responses in different situations.

In addition to the guardrails built into alby's foundational LLM models and prompt structure, retailers can add a layer of custom guardrails to influence alby's responses. 

There are 3 types of guardrails brands can set up directly in the alby UI: 

Type Description  Scope
Rules  Tell alby how to behave in certain situations Product, Category, or Full Catalog
Verified Q&As Script a response to certain questions Product, Category, or Full Catalog
Global Guidelines Tell alby how to behave in every response Global

Rules & Verified Q&A

Rules & Verified Q&A can be created:

  • From a conversation in the Inbox > response details > thumbs down 
  • From the Widget Playground > response details >thumbs down 
  • From the Knowledge Section directly 

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Both Rules & Verified Q&A require 3 fields: 

  1. 'When a customer says something like': Define when alby should follow the guidance. alby will then be able to reference the Rule or Verified Q&A when a shopper asks a similar question.
  2. Response / Action: Tell alby what to say (Verified Q&A) or what action to take (Rules).  
  3. Scope: Determine if the guidance is relevant for a specific product, a category, or to the entire catalog. This adds a layer into when alby will reference the Rule / Verified Q&A. 
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Global Guidelines 

Create Global Guidelines in Settings   

  • Global Guidelines provide the highest level of influence over alby responses. alby will be able reference Global Guidelines in every response to a shopper 
  • Global Guidelines can include things like overall tone, specific policies, or things you never want alby to say or respond to. 
  • There is a limit of 10 Global Guidelines per brand

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