Visual Matching Skill Onboarding

Enable Visual Matching Skill so shoppers can ask alby to 'show me matching products'

  1. [Enrich Catalog] Your catalog needs to be already loaded to our system. The fields below are required for Styling and they NEED to be included in catalog integration:  
    1. age_group
    2. gender
    3. google_product_category
    4. image_link
    5. product_id
    6. variant_id (can be the same as product_id if brand doesn't operate with variants)
  2. [Share Matching Data] Share a CSV with the matching data through SFTP (named matching_catalog/{file name goes here}.csv). The CSV should have the following fields:
    1. product_id (same as the product_id from step 1)
    2. variant_id (null if the brand doesn't operate with variants)
    3. product_category (same as the google_product_category from step 1)
    4. image_link (same as image_link from step 1)
    5. age_group (same as age_group from step 1)
    6. gender (same as gender from step 1)
    7. matching_product_id (the product_id of the product that matches with the product from item 2.a - this id should exist in the brand's catalog)
    8. matching_product_category (the google product category of the product that matches with the product from item 2.a - this category should exist in the brand's catalog)
    9. matching_image_link (the image_link of the product that matches with the product from item 2.a)

  3. [Turn on Skills] Once the Bluecore team has ingested the matching data set, the skill will be available to be added on PDP widgets.


  1. We only generate prompts for categories that are whitelisted at alby (included in the matching data set)
  2. If a given product is NOT in the list of matching items but the category is whitelisted we will recommend a similar product if available
  3. The LLM will decide what products to recommend - there can be for example 3 T-shirts that match a shoe. The LLM might recommend one, two or three